
Alexis Kim


Practice Discussion

“An inclusive app puts people first by prioritizing respectful communication and presenting content and functionality in ways everyone can access and understand.” This sentence tells everything a designer should keep in mind. This article introduces many considerations like languages, accessibility, avoiding stereotypes, etc. After I finished the project from the Major One class, I learned that “Being approachable design” is hard to expect before I do user interviews. A user-friendly platform does not require people to have skills or knowledge; it just gives a clear path at first sight. To Design a straightforward flow, I need to empathize with how people react differently from all ages and backgrounds. I am used to putting a majority of my design system and identity, but as I learn to widen my perspective, I can now criticize the flow, contents, legibility, and all kinds of things.

Source: "Apple Human Interface Guidelines: Inclusion." Apple Developer. https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/inclusion